Jon Teo 22! (So old!) 2/12/1991 IN NUS FASS! Majoring in Psychology! Loves hanging out with friends, reading, playing my childish games on my 3ds and proud of it! Dramas I'm catching: HIMYM, TBBT, Modern Family, TVD, The Walking Dead, Homeland, etc.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
haha deathnote!!!
Firstly I had to say: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Secondly: DEATHNOTE 2 : THE LAST NAME ROCKS!!! (No spoilers in this post by the way so fear not )
Thirdly: Watching south park now after play o2jam for 2h at 1.40am LOL
Fourthly: I'm watching Stanley's Cup.
Fifthly: Kira and L died!!! MY L!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry for the spoiler oopsi!!!)
Okay, now for a real blogging Jon Teo!!!
Today (yesterday to be exact its 1.43am) was REALLY COOL!!! WOOOOO!!! to say leh... Still uber sad L (Ryuzaki) DIED!!! GOD DAMN IT!!! (<<< TOO MUCH SOUTH PARK TEACHES YOU THIS!!! CAREFUL!!!) O and went to visit Alicia so coool haha it was funnnn... O AND I FORGOT TO MENTION SAKURA!!! AIYO HATE TO WRITE IN PARAGRAPH!!! DAMN IT!!! OK... I put in point form:
Ok... I listening to south park now and is damn sad... omg... the little boy is dying... coz he have cancer and the little boy say : why me? im only 5 and i have cancer... coach would u win the match for mi? Stan Marsh : ok... Jon Teo : OMG CRY LIAO!!!
6-9 : Alicia house haha it was fun!!!
Little boy : I think they look strong coach... I think Nelson (the boy with cancer) is gonna die soon...
Wow one post and is soo long feel proud!!! HEHES!!! By the way, please link mi if you haven and add mi to msn at REMEMBER!!!!!!!! ADD MI ONI IF U WANNA PLAY O2JAM WIF MI!!! HAHA! JUZ JK JUZ ADD MI IF U WAN!!!
Little boy: Coach, so will nelson die?
Nelson: My cancer hurts.
Stan Marsh: Doctor hows he?
Doctor: I don't know his condition sort of............ TIED!
Suddenly idiot come in and say got big match...
Doctor: Coach... You must really win... Or else he would be like Steve Irwin...
Stan Marsh (coach in case u duno): We must win it for nelson.
Stan Marsh: NO WE'RE NOT!!!
Little Boy: Yar... That was what Steve Irwin said when he went into the tank full of jellyfishs...
Jon Teo: LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Ok la nothing to post le o ya got one last thingy haha...
Was just thinking since kindness is not supposed to be taken advantage of? Shouldn't forgiveness be a more important virtue?
Monday, November 27, 2006
You were almost a: Duckling or a Lamb
You are least like a: Monkey or a SquirrelWhat Cute Animal Are You?
Sunday, November 19, 2006
anywayz i was juz thinking-.-what am i living for-.-and in this moment my mum is irritating mi wtf-.- bb all
Monday, November 13, 2006
Restocking guide
Chocolate factory
Most people are rich, but why? The main reason is restocking, and one favourite spot for their restocking is...the chocolate factory!!! =)))Items deflate when they are not rare and not needed, and rises when there is a demand for them (in quests, training schools) and that they are rare.
Therefore, in the chocolate factory, you should refresh every 3 seconds for consequently 30 minutes or more. When there is a restock, do not panic and refer to the points below.Do not buy items priced at 2500np, they are scamming items as they are not famous for quests and deflate quickly and are what you call hts (hard to sell) items.
If possible, quickly restock chocolates priced at 5000np, as they are rarity 90&above and seldom appears. For these items, you can gain nps easily as they are very rare and any of them should be able to sell at a price of 50k & above although there are some exceptions but you will certainly make a profit from it. Plus an additional bonus, you get a chocolate avatar (cool eh! other shop don\'t have these!) for restocking an item that is rarity 90 & above.
Buy items that you seldom see in the shop, this will take some time but you will slowly experience the difference between common and uncommon items. For most people, they become rich by buying items that are uncommon, and sell them at a profit of 5k and above. Uncommon items are those that you seldom see and with stock of 4 items and below when they first restock.All these takes practice to understand and so, I will let you experience it for yourself.
Remember failure comes before success, and practice makes perfect…So good luck on restocking!!! (And remember: All the autobuyers and stuff are scammer programs and you will not feel anything from the profit you gain even if you escape from the neopian team.) =)By the way, this applies to the bakery too. And remember when you become good at restocking, don’t forget to remember this guide and don’t stay in the same spot, go for the magic shop! THE MORPHING POTIONS PROFITS ARE EXORBITANT!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Neopets? or Homework?
Neopets? or Homework? This is really a hard choice for me. My account is not yet 2 months old but I have a total of 450k assets. But this was made inferior when candice got a halloween paint brush from test your strength game (which costs 100np) and it is worth 450k!!! WTH LA!!!
And as my account is not 3 months old, I cannot see r95-99 items which put me at a super disadvantage! Therefore, I must pia my account like siao in order to gain 1m b4 my account is 3 months old and thereforth earn millions!!! MUAHAHAHHA!!!
Thats just a dream though! BUT DREAMS DO COME TRUE!!!
Their owner: SlazerZ (ME!)
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Cn someone teach mi how to forgive? Please give comments.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
Today's a really tiring day... Am I just sick myself or am I sick of band life whereby I sit down and never move and would doze off... After exams and teachers start teaching... Horrendous I would say... We are also humans... We need a rest after a tiring examination which I failed my chemistry papers... But nothing is worse than me getting irritated by people early in the morning as I would get pissed and my whole day would be ruined... Can't people use their brains before they talk and be more responsible for what they say... They might just hurt others by their words... Definitely not me... But as a bystander... I can't stop worrying...
But life still goes on everyday... And we are the one to choose to live it happily or sadly... If life was a circle and everything is calculated in karma... This world would be such a pleasant one... One for All... All for One... If you and I doesn't exist in this world... Would anyone exist... A circle goes around life... And we should obey this circle... And respect life too...
So that's all for today... Be optimistic and you would lead a better life... That's my opinion... And you have yours... Don't be easily influenced... It's not always a good thing... End of post... Byebye...
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
haha funny day
blablablabla...........sianzx! nowadays so sianzx, i play one week of neopets for 100k only la!!! WTH! okay to those hu play few years and have like only 100k im sry haha!
and i have decided to be more forgiving as my life will be more fulfilling haha! blehx dun bother urself over silly matters man! its no point! and i will be wearing school tie till friday from now on! i caught by ms ling for not wearing school tie oops! but aiyo i was rushing for school and was 5 seconds earlier!!! WOOTS!!! (juz remembered the blog title changed) SO RETURNABLE MEMORIES!!!
Friday, September 22, 2006
ginger yucks
nvm! haha today dam funny, i was early for sch like siao and i sat down and studied 1 whole chapter of chemistry! it was dam hard coz nicole was like distracting mi by jumping around! so ebil~~~
and there was 3 chemistry period which was interesting as i felt so shi bai for not understanding everything-.-... nvm... i study chem textbook then can liao lol! mrs ong is a good teacher, just that i don't understand her teachings =( and so during geog, i studied chemistry like siao again! chem is the hardest topic in the world-.-i duno how the hell ppl like justus juz have talent in chemistry :( soooo not fair! boooooooo!!!
and it was dam funny after sch!!! as cheryl and i was struggling between taking bus 12 or 30 and in the end, dunno y the bus 30 came and we juz ran like SIAO and caught the bus LOL! but we missed out yann chyng accidentally without knowing! (she did not run wif mi cheryl and nicole-.-)
haha so i went home to chiong neopets cannot believe i earned alot thru restocking, im juz talented in business! LOL! and watched feng shen bang and studied physics (1 CHAPTER)!!! haha so blablabla happy day passed exam coming hope i get GPA 3.49!!! it will take a miracle but life is full of miracles!!!LOL!!! BE OPTIMISTIC!!!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
haizzz...luckily got neopets
Back in class, there was a small quarrel, and I believe that the three of us think that its only a joke to quarrel. But there is always people that make matters from small to big and due to one specific person, I was pissed off for the whole morning till recess when I get to eat. To say it blatantly, people should not poke their noses into businesses when they don't know what is happening. Do they ever notice that their words can be so uncaringly that they piss people off? I hope they do cause forgiveness is for the forgiver or is it something like that.
And so, I still continue leading my life happily thinking of neopets and how to earn more money and that continued me on to this day. But today is really a special day, as I finally understand how people can change under different circumstances. Sometimes, I really think that I shouldn't forgive and forget so easily, thats not good for anyone at all as people will just go on doing bad things with no signs of repentance. Ever heard of karma? Every believe in it? O well, I do and I know that heaven is fair and everything good and bad that you have done is all accumulated and you can never escape your fate of facing it.
Okay...I think I shall blog no more, as I'm getting too emo if this goes on...And to my daily/frequent readers, sorry to say that I can't say the words: 'BE OPTIMISTIC' today...
Monday, September 18, 2006
Okay... Here's the story of the show. So there is this guy named wei chen and this girl named yama and they met on the cruise one day and after dating for seven days...they got married cause they were their true love for each other. But on the day of the marraige, it was discovered that the yama had already had plans to marry her former boyfriend but on the day of the marraige, the former boyfriend did not appear so wei chen was the so called ''lifebuoy''. But as she explains to her former boyfriend: Yes I treat him as lifebuoy, wei chen was there and heard it and walked away. Then Yama continued to say: And thats because hes my true love(or zhen ai in chinese it sounds more touching), and im willing to be with him for the rest of my life. Not hearing this wei chen go and anyhow date a caucasian and make her angry and they divorced! And so 3 years later, the misunderstanding was solved and the wei chen took a necklace to say sorry to yama!!! But when he explained everything...Yama: I think you don't understand. Why did you grow suspicious on me? That is because you don't trust me. And your love comes from your brain and not from your heart!
I watched this in the morning 4am 2h before i left for school. juz on that fateful day, fate pushed me to wake up to view this episode which i missed while sleeping and i really cried my eyes out! Okay this don't sound convincing but think of what they said in chinese (my english suxs la) and u will truely understand!!! WAH!!!
Okay good luck for maths quiz i think i go study ba hope i get 75% can liao =P Ok bb! LOL did i blog anything except a story haha nvm!~! ~>_<~ BE OPTMISTIC!!! and once again!!! MY BLOG IS NOT EMO!!!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
1st step to studying!
And so I studied for one hour at home and went to eat ice kachang while studying and went home and sat on the swing again to study! O if you ask what I did before that, it would be playing neopets :P The stupid maths game is so damn hard at round 7 when they ask me calculate 19 x 23! I was stunned and my brain freezed and okay nvm i shan't continue ranting~
And i juz found out my cousin vilvian blog (in my link) has a link to jump to she and her bf valentine blog@@@@@@@ okay im still laughing away over it!!!
And after 5 days of torturing my brain...I FINALLY CAME UP WITH THE PERFECT TITLE FOR OUR FILM! ''Forsaken Memories''~~~<---If u sae its not nice u should juz jump off the building and die~~~:P
Saturday, September 16, 2006
wo hearty day!
$53 is not easy to earn and all you give me is this crap paper?! booo!!! waste of my money! Anywayz I had lunch with yun xiu, nicole, yi chen, justus, cheryl and grace haha the 7 ppl group! And so i had a hearty meal and played a hearty game and we went home~~~
Wo...but the most hearty thing today is that while I was talking to the baby when he was asleep... My brother shouted and it scared my heart out and my heart is hopping rapidly for 2h till now le!!! omg! scary la and so i went to eat many many curry chickens but its still jumping like siao now!!! Do I have heart disease?!!! WAH!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Meaningless life
Haizzz, but life is still getting meaningless cause exams stress don't seem to really take over me. Seeing everyone studying, I still don't feel like studying. But I don't care really, I go whatever my heart tell mes to! O well, since my heart don't feel like studying, I will not study. Anyway I only want my GPA to be 3.0 and first half year its 2.91~so it would be quite easy wun it?
Anywayz, slept for 3h again today-.-...I hate sleeping la dunno what's happening. Never mind, tomorrow hsk good luck! I scared so easy I get scholarship or something la blehx-.-... Anywayz BE OPTIMISTIC!!! BB!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Haha and I feel so energetic now and ate like 5 chicken wings, some steamed some fried! And many many papayas too (about 10 pieces)! And now currently chionging E&I powerpoint presentation although I only in charge of all the titles and shit whereas Cheryl did all the info (with her parents haha omg her parents sooo nice help with project work!) but I also researched on two banks horx (out of four banks!!!but she doing on the calculations-.-) so I didn't slack completely!!! =P
Okay, so thats the end of my post today!!! BE OPTIMISTIC!!! =PPP And stop playing maple or any games!!! Exams are coming and you don't want to regret not studying! Even I have started studying, shouldn't you?!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
O!!! and to chose with chn 55!!! You all MUST watch shi wan dun qing yuan!!! the 5.30-7 de!!! ITS THE BEST SHOW!!! DAMN NICE!!! ok...Exams are approaching but that show really destress people!!! Its like one of the BEST shows!!! DUN EVER TRY TO STOP ME FROM WATCHING!!! AND AT 7, there is That's so Raven on disney channel and it also destress me!!! Geography test tml but I don't care! the tv is part of my life! Its colouring my paper with alot of colours!!!(refer to my last post)!
So everyone: U MUST PLAY HARD, WORK HARD! exams coming, tests coming, but playing is as important! But still everyone go study for chemistry! its the hardest subject in the world la!!!Good luck for geog test although mr leong sae can fail easily but geog is mostly common sense so don't worry man! juz crap everything u can with evidence and u pass with flying colours! FLY!!! hahahaha!!!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Self-Reflection day
1)You are the one who chooses to colour it
2)You are the one who earns the money to buy more nicer colour pencils
3)You don't let other people draw on your paper
4)You are the one who appreciate your paper at the end of the day
5)You are forbidden to colour one wrong part, as it ruins the whole painting
All these goes to show that you lead your own life and don't ruin it just for a momentarily of greed, gluttony, lust, envy, pride, wrath and sloth.
But it would be considered a miracle if you can free yourself from all of these as it is hard!!! And for me particularly...Sloth takes over me...But remember the paper concept, I will not allow this bad thing to stop my earning of money to buy more nicer colour pencils!!! This shall be my way of living from now on but not only that, we must also bring colour to other people's life. So maybe I might just refrain from gossiping from now on which will be SOOOO NOT ME!
But no matter what EOYs are coming, and I would be the one to regret if i don't earn money now to spend in my exams...So to everyone: Understand this paper concept and live your life happily.
But happiness leads to carelessness, sadness leads to fear of moving forward, anger blinds your route. And also, we must always learn from our mistakes which is easier said than done.
Finally, I would like to conclude by saying that only by having a positive outlook in everything in your life can you truely grasp the belief of your life and making you more mature. Thank you for your kind attention and wish all of you best for EOYs...
Next few weeks, I might post lesser things so remember all these I have said. Really, it helps.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Please do not read
to say the truth, i hate hypocrites but am starting to become one not that im really one but im really sick of putting a false front in front of that particular starting to not understand goal, environmental psychiatrist...might just stop man since im so unsure of my life...
okay...we know the world is unfair...but does this mean others have the right to make other's lifes unhappy? even to the certain extent of making use of others to fullfill their own goals...o well, i can say that i have no temper, but sometimes the things that happen so much can just ignite the spark in my heart...
Really, and really, i hope for once that life would be fair for all beings... sometimes human nature really devours the hearts of people and causing them to do things which are harming others...y can't ppl juz understand that life is NOT ONLY ABOUT THEMSELVES!
DARN! do u think im really obsessed with marks...its juz that i hope that the marks would bring life to my life... but sometimes freaking hell idiots come and ruin my life to prove they are better...
WTH! the world is unfair! sometimes a person might not recognize his mistakes...but one who has been told of his mistake and still don't change are the WORST kind of they think they are so pro that they don't need advice? i can tell u! you should go bang the wall and die...
nvm...i will not let my temper get over mi and start going bang bang you're dead...i will not be as childish as Josh...i juz want to prove my point that i will not let an unsignificant being go in the way of my bright life...DARN IT!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
-.- boring -.-
wo and today's my father birthday celebration. we went to the restaraunt with fried ice cream but they didn't order it :( so no choice juz eat those lobster noodles and blablabla... but when going suddenly tok about my phone bill which is like $90!!! i dunno how go so high but they toked about it for half an hour-.- make mi so pai seh la lol
anywayz eoys coming sch still got tests... WTH?! dhp always like that i should have gone O-lvl lor!!! ZzZZZZzzzzzz
(o and btw my posts more than 2a class blog le!!! 2a ppl go post!!!)
Saturday, September 09, 2006
lol boring days in hols!!!
being a bad chemistry student, i have to work hard as my chemistry tests have all scored 17/35...all fail...and so i will work hard haha!!!
currently hong wen samantha and javier are all chionging maple 2X exp-.- so stupid lor!!! and so i continue studying my chemistry while playing water margin online and listening to high school musical-breaking free on youtube! haha it really gives concentration you all should go view it!!!
haha go see and listen for yourself this nice song!!! i listened for over 30 times today liao... lol too sianzx le la!!!
maybe tml go LA, maybe tml go work, maybe tml go sleep... i still dunno hope something good happens! gonna go eatr ice-kachang later to get digest the knowledge i learned from chemistry revision!!!
and also to everyone: according to professional advice, you should study a few hours before you go to school as this will let you absorb easier and produce better results...(not that im following it, my alarm clock is always at 8-.-)... Hope this will help your EOYs!!! GOOD LUCK ALL!!!
---off to chemistry revision---
Thursday, September 07, 2006
haha sad and fun day!
and so after finishing our our last and final group scene... mi, yun xiu, yi chen and sebastian went on to help nicole's filming group and then went on to macdonalds to do our storyboard! but due to our gossipness, we ended up play truth or dare LOL and left the whole storyboard to sebastian! lol sorry!!! and so it was fun until the last part which i was unlucky-.- (shan't elaborate) and so we went on home and had a fulfilling day. Also to gary: Sorry if we made it hard for you to do the editting!!! SORRY!
and so...IT WAS A SAD AND FUN DAY HAHA!!! my blog always matches the title (which should be the most common thing but i still like to elaborate) :P:P:P
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
lol wierd day full of chemistry!!!
and so we have decided to complete our LA film tml!!! and it will be a great success coz we have good script writers whom is mi and yun xiu!!! haha our film will be the film the students next year will see in auditorium de!!! PREPARE BA DHP YEAR 2s!!!
LASTLY!!! to everyone: I AND CHEN YING ARE NOT TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
stupid food make mi sick...
and so i stayed at home sick watching chicken little and it was really stupid haha!!! but i still like it alot LOL!!! ha and so i went on to look after my nephew dexter! and he shitted on the chair and started crying and i didn't know and carried him for 5 minutes!!! luckily the shit never come contact me and instead the baby chair tio it LOL.
spent 8h watching tv non-stop-.-...tough time and studied chemistry but i forgot everything after my afternoon nap-.-...
o ya! and mi thankx to all who visit my blog lol! please continue patronizing here LOL!!!
and finally...good luck for hsk WILL be lame!
Monday, September 04, 2006
anywayz!!! theres a big problem in band!!! my stupid sec 1 juniors are bullying mi like siao!!! LOL!!! they dun share the stand with mi la wth-.- lol but i was okay wif it and fought wif them over the stupid stand haha!
o ya and indoor today was scary as i fell asleep three times!!! luckily middle got a fast break and i had a even longer nap!!! but oso i found out i cannot play properly while sleeping!!! SADNESS!
and so i went home and watched the nightmare before christmas which justus lend mi! and o man... the plot is nice but the songs are such a boring waste of time!!! sry to those who watch this kind of cartoon for the song!!!
So thats the end of my optimistic day!!!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
haha decided to put in one more post for the night~~~
BUT O YA!!! haha something new!!! i watched disney chn original movie the ring of endless night and it was really cool about how this girl go on holiday and discover and communicate with dolphins~!!!
and so my ambition now is also marine biologist and environmentalist and psychologist!!!
haha btw that movie teaches many nice stuff about how the world is made up of us and we must cherish ourselves~~~ and about y afraid of death when it is destined to be the end of something? everything comes to an end so its up to u whether u regret ur life or not~~~juz like how u regret doing stuffs that are wrong and stupid stuffs done haha
and so i also understood that i may be able to communicate with dolphins too!!! WHO KNOWS? I MAY JUST BE TALENTED WITH THAT GIFT!!! haha anywayz the show also said to not be afraid of being special and should instead use it to give out light to others!!! COOL SIA!!!
o ya and lastly is about the small boy hu said what if there was a world with ppl of no eyes? how would they understand our lifes here. and its just like how we are unable to understand their lifes... if u r IQ 150 maybe you would understand this sentence~and for those who are not IQ 150~this actually serves to tell us that we might be different but we still hold something special in us~~~haha jonathan's be optimistic theory comes to life!!!
AND SO NOW AT NIGHT~ i wrote this post and sooo....hope you would like it and gain some life ideas from it. AND SO GOOD NIGHT! i go sleep early (maybe) in case i late for band again tml worx :P:P:P
and so we got there and waited for the door to open and soon went to work... i grouped wif greg and we rushed to toa payoh and there was superstar audition but the people there SUPER NIAO!!! dun donate one la pui! and so we went to alot of places and finally to raffles place which i got 15/16 of my donation money from...
and so...i earned $49.50 after a day of hard work and plus the $20 i earned from teacher's day~~~~~~ I EARNED $70!!! (haha not maths error but greg paid mi wad he owed mi and $70 sounds more attractive)
but the sad part is greg earned $60, eleanor $144 and caron $96 and i was like wth i am noob at this!!!
but i also realised my mistake of not being FAKE enough and more CUNNING~~~
haha~~~so thats my hard work paid off~~~
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Blog created!!! Parent-Child Day
okay so a blog um...i am supposed to post something rite?
o ya!!! today's parent child day. i felt that it was a waste of my time as there was totally nothing to do and everyone is so bored by it. i talked to my father about my ambition as an environmentalist and psychologist and clarinetist and financialist and he sae i siao so many-.-...
and so today an feng yun never come for pcd and so i was so happy nancy ng took over. i feel shes much better than an feng yun who calls my parents to say i never do homework when i done it everyday. shes juz biased against mi coz i always late for school! (but i will try to make improvements)
haizzz...then i went to my brother house which was so boring but i went walking around wif my cousin (sindy) downstairs and she lost her Ez-link card and i was forced to forsake my chicken little movie and find it with her... luckily we found it as some old guy was sitting on the bench and no1 dared to steal it! but after i was the one looking for it, of course i could find it with my high high intelligence LOL~
and so at night i made this blog and is now still learning everything about this!
O YA!!! forgot to put this in!!! LISTEN TO THIS! (Conversation between mi and my mum)
Jon: Parent-child day is boring.
Mum: Ur teacher good?
Jon: Ya.
Mum: O ya, got a dunman high teacher i know. teach maths. Forgot wad name. Low ar...
Jon: Low siok hong?
Mum: Ya. i go her wedding last year.
Mum: o ya ar~shes my old friend daughter~~~
OMG SHOCKED AT THIS NEW DISCOVERERY!!!!!!!!!! My mum knows ms low mother and even attended her wedding. But i must confirm wif ms low! my mum always mix up names. Hope she remembers low siok hong correctly