So many things on my mind now, just wanna rest and let everything clear itself out, trying to believe in destiny, and starting to wonder what my destiny is?
After watching so many shows and animes, it really makes me wonder about the meaning of destiny and what does mine entail? Or am I just doomed to remain as a part of society and work hard to fulfill my role of giving back to the society what I received by working in the workforce and desperately or easily trying to continue to maintain a certain standard of living and boost the economy at the same time. Like wow!
One word: BORING.
Playing computer games ain't that fun anymore, studying was never fun since it's never interesting and applicable (Except Arts subjects) and watching television is just another routine of life that must be fulfilled to complete the cycle of time that we are given which is so short.
Hoping for something to happen to my life, something interesting, fun, unique, special, heartwarming, touching, exciting, and most importantly unforgettable!
Looking at everyone around me now, life revolves around the same thing, going out with families or friends, clubbing, mugging, watching drama series, playing computer games...
Why must life be so short and yet there is still so little things that could be granted to us? All I want is an adventure! Making new friends, and just going on an adventure like in my dreams!
Yes, my dreams are full of adventures, and they're really fun! The latest one would be animals rampaging and I met the zebra king and blablabla! Haha sounds bullshit but it's fun! Why am I deriving my sense of adventure from my dreams!
Or am I really gonna end my life without any adventure of any sort or just another adventure in a corporation full of politics and waiting for me to figure my way through.
I wanna gain something in life, something fulfilling, something that would render my heart immune to feeling lost, and even more. Talk about being greedy :)
Okay this is becoming another Life post and I'm just feeling disappointed with the way my life is turning out, as one with not much adventures as before or as it should be. In the past, everything was so fun since I'm contented so easily, but now I'm really just asking for a little more.
Haha, maybe all I really want is just to sit at my backyard in my future house and invite some really close friends over and just start talking and talking and talking non-stop. Those would be the most memorable moments of my life since nothing beats talking to friends and barbecuing. LOL. (Maybe not barbecuing, not healthy!)
Talking about all these really make me miss many things. I'm really missing you a lot, even if I don't mention it much.
Haha, normally I would just post about the happenings in my life and get over with it for my blog but just feeling particularly emotional now.
It's true when they say to be aware of friends who does bad things to others since you could be the victim the next time.
But still I feel that I should have absolute trust in all my friends right? Or is that what is deluding me from proceeding further in my life? Should I just follow my feelings or my pragmatism?
But looking back now, if I had followed my feelings, my life would have been much better and cheerful than it is now. Missing out so much in life, no wonder I mentioned how boring my life is.
It's becoming harder to trust as you face more in life, and that's where the challenge is, to continue trusting no matter what.
At least that way I can tell myself I kept to my values no matter what throughout my entire life, and I'm contented with that. :)
Maybe I should just go out there and start looking at life as it is instead of posting my rambles here in my nice little blog. After all, no pain, no gain.
But still, what choice do we have now as JC students but to mug for A-levels like crazy? Sounds stupid but that's what it is, we give up our freedom for this just so we can get into a good university and take the courses we want and enjoy! And so for the sake of my future freedom, I don't really have much choice but to study hard!
And so, this is the path I'm leading down my life, but certainly I believe there are also other paths I can take down at the same time!
Shall be more pro-active from now on, no more slacking and more working! Including working out! :) After all, what's most important is your health!
Which brings me to the most irritating part of our current life. The stupid H1N1 virus! But since it's existing and spreading, why are we still reopening school as usual?! What if any of us got the disease and die as a result?! That would be too late for regrets at this choice to open school as usual! I rather start E-learning now since it would not affect my studies and at the same time give me more time to study for A-levels!
I am SUPER unwilling to risk myself to getting this disease and be quarantined when the chances of getting it in school is SO MUCH HIGHER! One person gets it and boommmmmmm!!! All will get it indirectly right?!
Imagine one student who has the disease touches the utensils at the canteen to get his or her utensil and someone else touches the same place! BOOM! And if anyone from everyone class bought from this store, it will be another BOOM! Spreading in class! Then to family! BOOOOOOMMMMM!!!
If we were to plot a graph, the cases are like EXPONENTIAL?! Which is like WTH!
Newest update
Singapore changes H1N1 strategy | ||||
Mr Khaw said: "There will be some deaths. We need to allow our hospitals to focus on the high-risk cases and not be distracted or overwhelmed by hundreds of mild cases."
Some deaths? Isn't that's HORRIBLE enough?! And if schools of student get the disease, imagine the health cost incurred! Talk about education increasing productivity for our LRAS curve to shift rightwards, we are ignoring the health of the students and shifting our productivity downwards even more drastically if anyone dies from this disease! Imagine the panic if this happens in your school!
And even if school really should be reopened and health measures are taken to ensure every student who comes in are clear of fever and blablabla, they can still get the disease from any public transport right?! And since we won't notice it by then, it will be boom boom boom boom boom again! Probability of getting the disease is much higher in school than anywhere else for students like us!
Plus for feeble students like me with a weak immune system and having a flu right now just from switching on the air-con, ITS EVEN MORE DANGEROUS!
One simple scenario:
Jon Teo happily goes and take his common test and omg he didn't notice the hall door he touched was sneezed onto by another student with the virus! He takes the test and started talking to friends regarding the test and started complaining about not completing the paper and how he needs more time! And so the virus spreads slowly and when he reaches home, he plays with his nephew who is still a baby and spreads the virus to almost everyone he knows.
AND BOOM! ALL QUARANTINED! And even his baby nephew could get the disease!
And all the other friends who got the disease, BOOM!
Soooo many booms for this topic as I'm really concerned with this issue since at anytime, my health will always be more important than education!
Luckily for me, I believe my luck will tide me through this crisis :) (Like seriously hope so)
But still, there will be unlucky cases and we can only feel sad for those people as they add on to the total number of cases and blame it on their horrible luck! (Seriously I honestly think its luck and not the hygiene part that matters, even if everyone washes their hand, one victim sneezes into your face and its gg!)
Personally, I don't want to spend 7 days in a resort if there's no mahjong pals to play with!
Oh well shall stop talking about this topic since school is certain to reopen and we are all depending on luck to not get the disease. :(
And so I shall summarize what has happened in my life for the past few days! Went for zoolympix and burnt out my weekends which is totally MADNESS. Like seriously madness. Super tiring and burnt out. And my weekends this week are gone once again, due to zoolympix!
Study session on Monday was fun! :) PIPIPAPIPOOPOO! My forever coolest gang! LOL! :D
Damn feeling tired now, shall stop blogging! Be optimistic all! And be careful not to get H1N1!!! Praying hard for H1N1 cases to stop appearing all around the world! And for everyone to be cured and life becoming peaceful once again! And for the stupid disease to not get mutated or whatever it can become!