Thursday, March 15, 2007


Today has been a really self-reflective day, cause today's the day I have grown to understand a lot of things I have previously missed.

Firstly, I shall start off my post with a story.

Once upon a time, there was a soldier who fell for a princess. The princess found out and told the soldier that if he would wait for her at the bottom of the tower for 100 days, she would reconsider him.

And so the soldier waited patiently for her answer... No matter how bad the weather is, he still waited patiently and determinedly for her. But unexpectedly, on the 99th day, the soldier backed out due to the fear of rejection.

Judging from this short story, what exactly is this story trying to tell us? How useless the soldier is in his fear of facing the answer? Or the soldier's courage to understand that he would not be happy no matter what the outcome is?

Truthfully, I will never figure out the answer unless I was the soldier myself...

Maybe this is how stories convey messages to us... Through life experiences... Through others...

I am just a 16 year old. And yet, I am able to accept others for who they are. Maybe this is what people deem as a rough life experience, as I have gone through just so much that I am willing to accept others for what they truly are. Every one's personal growth is different, no two person are ever the same... But the capacity to accept and understand people for who they are is never an easy feat.

If I am optimistic, I would accept people for who they are out of pure optimism, in thinking there are always some good in them. But if I am realistic, the only reason I would accept them is due to the fact that I have no reason in denying them.

Denying others is equivalent to denying one's own self. Why would you ever deny a person? It all boils down to one's true heart.

Today was one tiring day, maybe fun? Or I am just trying to derive some pleasure from this band camp. Truthfully speaking, I would never dream of becoming a good clarinetist, as it has been a known fact to myself that I have no interest in the clarinet. All my interests in it are just thrown to me out of optimism, in the thought of how fate has put me with the clarinet ever since Primary 2.

But I have to bear with this clarinet still... and to try my best to help the band in getting the gold with honours award. I have never truly understood why my friends always wanted to achieve this award... But as a friend or just a band member, it would be my responsibility to do my best, just that...

Guess this is the reason why optimism is only an excuse, never the solution... Maybe my optimism has brought me to many mistakes in my life. But nevertheless, it is my optimism who brought me lots of happiness in my small life. Thank you, my personality... :)

There was just this chance that I took a test, and the results were my personality as a person who would become strong as long as I find an aim in life. But I have never truly found my aim in life, but who knows? Maybe becoming a psychologist would just be my way of life...

And also by chance, I just found out how heavy my workload is. Maybe this is nothing compared to a working adult, but to complete 5 assignments and have 3 tests next week is just madness. Does any teacher truly believe that we have lots of time during March holidays to rest?!!!

Monday-Leadership training camp. Tuesday-Physics Project. Wed-Sat-Band Camp. Sunday-Chinese project.

Wow! One whole week gone... I SERIOUSLY have lots of free time man!

Maybe this is still not getting to the teachers, but we are not trying to ask you to reduce the workload, but to organize them properly. How hard would it be for all of you teachers to meet up and just have a chat on what assignments you are giving the class?

By placing 3 tests in one week, the best results I could get would be some average marks, never any better... So does this still spell out that we can still score well if we organize our time, even if we have lots of extra activities?

So please, help us out in this small favour. Studying for three tests is never an easy matter, as teachers, you should be the best in understanding what we are facing now... Or do you just want to wait for stress to overtake us before you take any serious actions?

By the way, just wanted to stress about how people should go home faster after band. Sorry to say this, but I personally hate to wait after an active day.

End of longest post. Be optimistic but realistic too - Jon Teo's way of life. See ya, please tag.

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