And considering how I supposedly sucked at vectors when I got 0/14 for last year promos vectors question, I really had a hard time understanding and doing the tutorial la. And what do I get... A night's rest on the SOFA!
And so this was what happened. My brother's friend moved in and so I started sleeping in my nephew's room since it's a double decker bed. (Aiyo, I dunno call what la) But below can pull out de so I will sleep there.
This made my dear nephew, Lucas very happy since he won't have to sleep alone at night! Haha, like how he always say got monsters at night to me very seriously makes me laugh LOL! (Okay I have to confess I have an even greater phobia of sleeping alone at night even now LOL)
And so, my moving in helped both of us since we get to sleep in the same room together and help each other's phobia out lol! Btw, he's 10 years old younger haha!!! An average P2 kid who is a camwhore, loves naruto and ben 10, full of mischief and is a big brother of my other nephew Lincoln! :D
Omg I digressed like mad, okay back to the point I was like mugging. And he went to sleep at 11 after naruto finished on cartoon network at 10.30. And without any of us knowing, he went to lock the door.
And apparently, both my maids cannot find the damn room key!!! And finally, she concluded that she left the key in the room. And so, I was forced to sleep on the sofa, just because my nephew locked the freaking door and it was 3am and I don't want to wake him up by knocking furiously on the door.
LOL, okay I confessed I tried knocking furiously HAHAHA!!! But he sleeps like a pig LOL!
And due to the law of cause and effect, I screwed up my GP essay today -_-. Total brainfreeze, no idea wth I'm writing about at all. I hate content based questions, cannot apply go haywire de. Open questions are the best! (Since the marker cannot say you go out of point haha!!!)
Angel and mortal is now the latest craze in the class and everyone's talking about it. Lol, and I don't understand why I keep forgetting who is who's angel even though the angel only told me about it one day before!
Oh well, and I'm trying my very best to not guess who my nice angel is, and in case my last year class angel was reading this, could you please tell me that you were my angel last year? (Leave a tag or something la) Latest speculations says its Mei Yun, but I keep thinking that it's Su Yun and I feel too pai seh to even ask LOL.
Oh and before I forget, I'm really super scared I will screw up chemistry this year. Having such a bad basis and all, I don't understand the lecture at all la. And when I'm trying to decipher what she's talking about, she go to next point liao. Eh, I'm not a genius in Chemistry la, ZZZ.
Luckily my 5 free periods were enjoyable today. Played Chowdian (I'm not allowed to reveal any information about this game***) that was invented by Ee Chow LOL! Super fun game that I just cannot lose, too smart liao hohoho!!!
As usual, physics tutorial are more entertaining as ever as I start to enjoy myself by just staring at the doll hanging on the projector and looking at it spin. Um, the Qing Tian Wa Wa that Chun Ying gave the few of us! :D
It's the ultimate guardian to the doors of dreams!!! Come to 6c33 homeroom to have a look at this fabulous doll!!!
Shall upload a picture of this cute doll here soon haha!!!
And oh look at the time its 10pm. Lim Ee Chow is now officially glued to his sofa watching shui shi hou ming!!! Haha he's now even more addicted to tvb shows than me LOL. (We still get owned by Chun Ying I think she watch every single popular tvb show le -_-)
Feel like watching zui mei li de di qi tian. Candice strongly recommended this show!!! :D Shall try to find some free time lol! After finishing my whole bunch of homework. Don't understand how hardcore muggers like Kuei Fu and Jazreen manage to even finish their whole maths vectors revision package OMG la -_-.
Yea, it looks like I should not waste my time blogging but I have a need to since my memory is getting old!!! LOL!!!
Listening to David Archuleta's crush now. Niceeeee!!! A Little Too Not Over You IS NICER THOUGH!!! Haha I was so bored waiting for mind sports to start, I actually wrote out the whole lyrics while listening to the song. Blehs I'm not no life k HAHA!!!
Just in case you were wondering why Lucas is a camwhore...
Look at how he's trying to get more of the his face on the picture than me!
Haha, I know he's cute LOL!!!
Lol, I finally know how to upload pictures properly!!! :D
Songs of the Sea!!! Where I'm working now!!! :D Catch me there on weekend nights marking tickets or shouting madly probably LOL!!!
Me at Haji Lane shopping with...
Sindy!!! My DEARRRR cousin on CNY eve!!! (When my parents left me at home to rot while they have fun overseas LOL!!!)
Randomly scanning through phone pictures and I found a kangaroo!!! LOL!!! BEWARE HES GOING TO LEAP!!!
Please do not reveal this picture to outside sources. I might die anytime. LOL!!!
Was feeling bored, so why not camwhore!!! :D Hope my complexion improve soon or I will be off to a dermatologist anytime now!!!
I'm a good kid.
Random act cool shot HAHA!!! I know I'm contradicting, Hong wen is soooo not cool haha!!! MAA MEE MOO!!!
Me and Jazreen camwhoring spree at Ee Chow's house during Tuan Bai session LOL!!!
How sad that the MIDDLE picture below is a little blocked out. (Refer to facebook for clearer view. :D)
How better to sum up my post than with a optimistic prince picture. HAHAHA!!!
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