A magazine is produced, newspaper got dozen being published, 10000000 baby is borned and 1000000 deaths! (Horrible English by that SOMEBODY!)
So here I am! It's amazing how one month passed by so slowly! YESH, that's not a typo! This holiday truly felt like it passed so slowly, guess that means I'm either not enjoying it, enjoying every single moment too much, or simply can't wait for school to start! (I'm not gonna choose.)
But blehs! Now that school is really starting, the feeling of stress is building up again! The endless competition, the endless workload! The need to score well!
Although this time, I'm not going to say that I hate the bell-curve whatsoever, since this education system is the most reflective of our daily life in the workforce.
Let's face it, life ain't fair, and with that comes the need for one to have the drive to march forth and grab every single opportunity in life!
It's true that we are learning new things too quickly and most likely NOT enjoyably, but without this competition, how many of us would truly put in the effort to study hard and score well? Especially when we are on such a strict and restricting schedule?!
Sure, I appreciate how some university overseas have it easier such that students can put in a certain amount of effort and get an A easily, all these while enjoying school life, aka work hard, play even harder.
But well, that's not gonna be the case when we start working. I'm not gonna comment on whether this is simply Singapore's idea of a competitive work life, but I guess the fact remains that this college life trains us to be competitive and to work hard for ourselves. We might be learning for the sake of learning, but the lessons learnt from it does stick with us throughout life.
And so, let's all work even harder again this semester! =D
Two new resolutions: To exercise, and to force myself to mug even during weekends! (Yes, this is much needed, seeing how I couldn't even mug during reading week's weekends!) Damn it, why did I condition myself to slack the moment weekends begin!
As I type, Daniel just sent me a request for Scramble! Haha let the Scrambling begin! It's so cool that we all play Scramble to destress, and if someone is replying to your game quickly, it simply means that we are all just so damn tired from mugging!
Oh my, I sound like such a stupid mugger from what I just typed, but wait I'm still gonna have a life okay!!! HAHA here's proof (Okay, I can't really remember what happened so I'm gonna scroll through my tweets as usual!)
Went for supper with PPPPPP on Monday, NO PICTURES since there was no ba chor mee at Bedok 85 that night! Uber sad! But one thing's for sure, Agnes became so skinny after her exchange!!! Amazed!!! And thank you Hong Wen for taking the time out of your busy school life to drive us around!
Went Ee Chow's house for gaming marathon stayover the next day! I'm sad to say I'm slightly addicted to League of Legends! Although now that school is starting, my addiction faded away lo! Borrowed some JC stats note from Ec to try to remind myself what the hell is statistics since I'm taking 3 stats modules this semester! Oh my!!!
Had to rush over to meet my dear Pokemon gang on Wednesday night!!! So random la our meetup! Yes this dinner outing was planned 2 hours before the meetup, simply because Tom's parent abandoned her for dinner LOL.
And so off to Lau Pa Sat!!! (And yes I do have pictures!!!)
Nice right!!! |
It's funny how we had to take this ourselves cause no one was there to help us! |
Final group shot of the night! |
What I gained most through Psych Camp is truly you guys!!! (Mostly post-camp though oops! Lucky for us!) Haha four modules in common with both of you la! Let's all mug hard!!! And score super well!!! And Tom, I strongly think that you're the smartest, so 靠你了! And Daniel, as the most ARTS among us, all our essays also 靠你了! I will try to be the mugger who memorized everything!!! By the way 靠你了means depend on you LOL.
EW, just heard a lizard from outside my PGP window. Yucks.
Heheh, Thursday was a FULL PPPPPP outing!!! Watched Wreck-it Ralph first without Hong Wen and Agnes though!!! Such an awesome movie!!!
Other than being cute, the show did have several deeper meanings, but I'm simply too tired to type out my feelings on it since that's like so many days ago, yet another reason for me to blog regularly, oh well!
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So damn cute!!! Vanellope FTW! |
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Unbelievably cute!!! |
Went for dinner at Nan Xiang followed by Ah Chew dessert!!! Finally, a full PPPPPP gathering!!!
So damn cool! With a straw to drink the fishy soup within! |
Durian Mango Sago! |
Ahhh, missed all of you! Especially since we all know full well that we're not gonna have another full outing anytime soon. STOP MUGGING SO MUCH PEOPLE!
Went for a back-scrub/massage/hydrating facial with Jin Wen and Jin Tong the next day at Spa D'or! It's at Raffles City and rather ulu but it's a SUPER cheap offer from deals.com!!! $38 and I even got a diamond peel!
Haha, I might not be as good as the rest of PPPPPP fashion-sense/shopping wise, but in terms of facial knowledge... WIN.
Overall, this Spa D'Or has good service if you get the old facial therapist I feel. Older facial therapists tend to have better skills! One thing's for sure though, the ambiance is not as good as Bella Skincare, since the walls are so old and the air-conditioner wasn't working that well. But all in all, the package offered was highly affordable comparatively, and they offer massage here too!
Another plus point, they sounded very Chinese over the phone, which made me doubt their authenticity initially, since I've been conditioned to expect a professional English-speaking receptionist! However, I guess their lack of image is compensated by good skills and affordable prices! Sorry for judging and thanks for hiring locals! (I think!)
Eyebrow shaping was supposed to be included in the package too but nope, don't think I got any lol. But the awesome massage more than made up for it! My neck has been aching so much from gaming! And yes, I'm so glad it's a hydrating facial, since my skin really needs that right now.
Ee Chow came to meet us after that for a dinner at Tsukumen Ramen!!!
One photo to describe the entire experience!!!
JUST SO DAMN AWESOME!!! Really unique and nice! |
Had a mini questions game before sleeping that was rather interesting, surprisingly! Haha!!!
Oh and before I forget, on Thursday, after watching Wreck-it Ralph, I was so into retro games again that I went to play The Sims 1!!! Till 7am the next day! Yes, it was truly strangely addictive! Cleared more than 100 days without realizing it! LOL.
Spent my entire Saturday catching up on dramas! Particularly enjoyed watching The Simpsons! LOL! Some of their quotes are really good!!! Which reminds me, I have to start watching The Walking Dead!!!
Packed on Saturday too to move in the next day! Which is just now la since it's after 12 now! Spent hours cleaning up and unpacking before heading to Vivo with Abra for dinner/shopping for necessities! Big thanks to my parents for helping out! Especially my dad for cleaning away those disgusting bugs which I take minutes of courage to destroy.
Got an exercise mat to put in my room in case I'm too lazy to walk 4 minutes to the gym, or simply another motivating factor for me to exercise!
Never realized dumbbells was so expensive though! Felt so Sua Ku!!! Haha!!!
And well! I guess that's it! I'm really tired and yet, I wanna finish watching my 造王者! Such a good show!
And so... let school life begin again!!! (Which reminds me of Taylor Swift and how she broke up again -.-)
One really important plus point of school life: Every single leisure activity feels so much more enjoyable during school life! I love being rebellious! Dramas never looked this interesting!!!
Trying to get Abra to watch 金枝慾孽!!! Haha can't believe I'm getting him to start on the best tvb show first! How can the rest be compared to this classic?!
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