And so, as much as I would like to blog something about my life, there's really nothing much going on! I don't exactly feel jaded per se, but life is kinda stagnant in a sense?
Not really a surprise though, after awhile, this whole university life and it's curriculum just forces one to dictate what to do for every single free instances. It's week 9 now which means exactly 5 more weeks to finals! And that means... I'm not gonna start studying every chapter in depth till next week or the week after!
One thing I've learnt so far, early effort doesn't really pay off! After all, even if my memory is really good, things I've absorbed intensely does not come easily to me after around a month? Especially for memory work, best to start 2-3 weeks before and the week before the exam... absorb everything intensely!
Or maybe I'm just giving myself an excuse to slack! Just like how I'm blogging right now! =P Oh well 30 more minutes before the dryer is done drying my laundry, so I shall just slack till then before embarking to complete my gem2901 project!
Although some idiot's comment on piratebay really ticked me off. Basically that person posted a huge spoiler, and everyone have no idea whether it's real or fake. All we know is everyone started bashing him in subsequent comments!
First, I don't ever get how people fail to understand that spoilers are the most horrible thing you can give a series addict! The building up of the scene till the climax where the most epic things happen, be it a major plot twist or character development, these are the things that define a show! Why can't people understand that by giving a spoiler, no matter how minor, you tweak a person's expectations and totally destroy the efforts by the director and scriptwriters to induce a state of epicness in the viewers.
Second, I don't understand how there are actually quite a few people out there who don't mind spoilers?! All I can say is I don't think they respect the show at all! (Cheh.) How can you appreciate a show if you watch it after knowing what's going to happen?! The dynamic is completely destroyed can!
So to all the people out there who post spoilers, please DO warn viewers ahead of the spoilers! And for goodness sake, you don't have to spoil everyone on the social media by posting the spoiler immediately during or after the show? It's perfectly fine for viewers in America who are watching the show live, but for viewers overseas, can everyone please not spoil the show by tweeting about it within 3 days of the latest episode?!!! Many of us might not have had the opportunity to start watching yet! -_-|||
If you spoil after 3-4 days, at least try not to make it so obvious! Main reason why I avoid all social media platforms the moment there's a latest episode! 9gag was fun till people started posting spoilers! -_- Hello! There are people overseas viewing this post and haven't watched the latest episode?!
Oops, without realizing, I bitched quite a few paragraphs about idiots who post spoilers! Just like how stupid Yong Ze whatsapp-ed me a walking dead spoiler! Lucky for him, I misinterpreted the spoiler and managed to watch the show happily while thinking of a wrong spoiler!
Can't believe I still have a test on Thursday and I'm like chilling now. And a project due Monday! But oh well, can't complain when I have other friends who are sleeping a few hours every night just to finish up projects and assignments! Makes me sound like an asshole for saying I need and do get 9 hours of sleep every night LOL.
Quite happy that this semester feels more relaxed compared to last semester, at least I know for sure I could understand what I was taught!!! Unlike crazy maths and bio stuff last semester! o.O
Feel like booking a massage this weekend, hope I'm not pampering myself too much! Trying to psycho myself to study more but it's not working well AHAHA!
Had a crazy lecture on game theory just now and I took really quite awhile to finally get the concept, albeit not fully!
Completed Fire Emblem : Awakening on my 3DS! LOL while everybody is working hard, I spent more than 20 hours of gameplay on it! But seriously, I don't believe everyone is working hard 24/7! It's impossible to not even be able to go out for 1-2 hours?! Am I the only one who slacks on youtube, manga, blog-surfing, facebook, twitter, instagram before studying?! SERIOUSLY DOUBT SO!
Get the alone time needed though, but still!!! Not even a few hours per week?!
Was discussing about career with Tom, Daniel and Li Jie at Macs just now and really made me wonder if I should go for masters without taking honors! Oh well, shall see how it goes!
And still wondering if SEP would come to fruition but honestly hope so!!! Or secretly I hope not so I can save more money! Haha conflicted!!!
Really wanna have an overseas trip during the holidays though!!! =P SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE IT COME TRUE I'M SICK OF PLANNING!
Okay time for pictures and to go collect my laundry!
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Nom nom with Abra at Vivo!!! |
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Zi Xiang's belated birthday present from UK! Haha ignore the words on the card!!! |
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Niceeee ice cream from St. Marcs! |
All I can say is Lincoln is bad at smiling nicely, so I have to ask him to stop smiling! |
Signing off with 2 songs I highly recommend listening to this week! Songs that are sad give me the strength to move on!
Just spend a maximum of 8 minutes on them! That will be a 8 minute one won't regret!!! =D
Alright! Signing off then!
Be optimistic all!!! =D
1 comment:
Lol "all i can say lincoln is bad at smiling nicely"lol
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